Friday, February 5, 2010

More Kirby

As I have alluded in the the past, Jack Kirby was a mad genius. Despite his hand in the creation of the Marvel Universe (now a Disney property)I much prefer his wacky 70's output. This is a character called the Black Racer who glides the skies on a pair of skis. Why he never took off is anyone's guess. Several years before, there had been some success with a guy who flies on a surfboard but maybe tastes had changed by then.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


This blog has been languishing in the web ether for a while. I have decided to upload one a week as my goal in an attempt to remain relevant to my two dedicated followers. "What the hell happened the Themightylee?", they may have asked. Well, dear readers, I plan to blog on a regular basis to keep you up on my thoughts and musings. Which leads me to Ox Baker. This guy was a wrestler who occasionally appeared in films. One of which was as a giant in the Sabu version of Thief of Baghdad and as a gladiator in Escape from New York. I thought he deserves mention in this day of roid monster wrestlers. There was a time when one could wrestle on a diet of beer and bacon and still get it done. Cheers, Ox.

Strange Guys

For reasons unkown, I was thinking about Venom. They were heavy. They were Satanic. They were ridiculous. They really weren't very good but I admire their moxy. So, Hail Venom, wherever you may be.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I haven't dressed up for Halloween in years. I just fell out of the habit, what wih living in a neighborhood with few kids and usually working. With my social netwoking skills at an all time low, I don't have any Halloween parties to go to. therefore, I will just dress up for work. The last semi creative costume that I made was of Alex the droog for my birthday party in 1993. The last costume of any kind involved Dave and I buying identical capes and black and white makeup on sale Halloween night. He was King Diamond and I was the Crimson Ghost. Cheap, but effective. I am nostalgic for some of the great costumes my mom made me as a kid so here is me, circa 1977 as the boy of steel. Happy Halloween.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

GI Joe is a lousy stinker

Most of you, upon viewing the title, would think "well, what did you expect?" That is the question I have been asking myself. My good friends Lou and Ben coaxed me into attending this atrocity with the caveat that it would be "funny". I found it to be simply awful. There was a time when I could view terrible things and find them funny/ironic. Apparently, I have lost that ability. I want to find lousy stuff funny, but I find that it is just lousy. I guess, as a kid with lots of time, I could afford that. Anyway~ Lou this is for you. "Deploy the sharks!"
Whilst looking for a suitable GI Joe comic to scan, I came across this little ditty from 1965 entitled 'Total War' Like Joe (the 80's encarnation) Total War is about a super group of futuristic world police. I have posted the inside cover as well because I find it funny that all the futuristic gizmos shown are, in fact, currently in use. However, in the back cover there was a rocket that could carry a platoon at 17,000 mph. Good day, friends.

Friday, July 10, 2009

What in hell?!?

Ah, yes. Cleaning again (not really) and coming across all sorts of garbage. This item is actually an ad from Creepy magazine circa 1980. Hey all you parents! Get your asses out there and get matching Battlestar Galactica jackets for the whole family! From the baseball game to the disco! Good lord, what a hoot!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The King

I love cleaning. It affords me all kinds of time to not clean and look through shit I haven't seen in a while. While at my dear friend's house I googled some images of OMAC (one man army corps) as I have had Jack Kirby on the brain for a few weeks now. That the guy is a legend is well documented, having co-created much of the Marvel Universe and defining the Marvel style of action through the sixties. What intrigues me is the stuff he did for DC in the seventies. It is just weird, wild shit. Most of these titles only lasted eight or ten issues with the exception of Kamandi, which ran around twenty five. Here is an oddity from that time period. OMAC. The guy works for the International Peace Force or some shit and routinely recieves intructions and power boosts from a giant mechanical eye in the sky. The interior selection explains the plot(?!) and is pure Kirby goofball goodness. The last piece is a glorious ad for Hostess. They routinely featured earth's greatest heroes taking time to foil diabolical plans to steal and/or halt children's consumption of yellow dye No. 5. Enjoy.